Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Small Introduction...

Hello! Thanks to the wonderful Jenny Holloway, I now have a blog! I'm so excited, but I'm nervous! Please make me feel at home with this! For those of you who may not know a lot about me, here is a little intro:

I married my husband, Jim, in July 2007. He is amazing and my best friend in the whole world! We just bought a house in Madison and LOVE IT! He is a band director at Madison Middle School and I am 2nd grade teacher at NW Rankin. We go to Colonial Heights Baptist Church and we are both active in the music ministry.

That's us in a nutshell.

On a more serious note, a group of teachers were sitting around talking after school today, when the topic changed to tithing. We were talking about how this shouldn't be just a ritual that you do, but it should be an act of obedience. Yes, it should be habitual, but it shouldn't be something that you just do because you're used to it. It needs to be from the heart. I was thinking about that conversation on the way home and I was floored about how incredibly blessed Jim and I are. Because we were brought up in families who tithe faithfully, there was no question about whether or not we were going to do it when we got married. Because of this, I feel that God has so richly blessed us. Not only with possessions, but also with other things that are not of monetary value. Sometimes we may get an unexpected check or a piece of furniture that our parents don't need anymore. Then we have other blessings such as wonderful friends and families, our health, wonderful jobs, the list goes on and on.But we shouldn't tithe with the mindset of receiving in return of our tithe. I'm preaching to the choir here, but I think we should be happy to write that check knowing that it will help in furthuring the Kingdom of God. We should be happy to know that we are blessing others and should feel blessed in return!


Jenny said...

amen! i'm happy to read your very first post. sounds like you're going to be a pro-blogger in no time!:) love ya friend.

Tate Family said...

Welcome, welcome! So glad to have you on board!! :)

Rhonda said...

Aw, you'll are such good kids! You make us proud!

Kevin, Kara, Kolton, & Kannon said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!! Glad you are on board!

Wow - I just had that same conversation at work just the other day! we work at the same place?!?!?!