Friday, February 29, 2008


Thank the Lord above that it is Friday! It seems like everyday this week was a Monday.

Anyone that knows me well, knows that I am a HUGE hypochondriac. I think I have every life-threatening disease under the sun. A few weeks ago, I realized that it is a huge problem and that it is considered a stronghold. I read that a stronghold is "anything that exalts itself in your mind and consumes you, making the problem seem bigger than God." I have been brought to tears because there have been times where I have thought that I couldn't get over this. I know it sounds like a petty thing, but it sometimes keeps me from enjoying my everyday life! I have bought a book on this, and also a Beth Moore bible study (by the way, I LOVE HER). At the beginning of the study I'm doing, she writes a note about how she is praying that this will not be a REPLACEMENT for God's word. I realized that this is what I am making it. It is helping, yes, but I am learning to rely on her study more than I am on God. That's why I can't get over this crazy stronghold! It's very humbling when the Lord reveals something like this to you. I begged for forgiveness for choosing her words over God's words. I would find myself underlining things in her book and when I would start to worry, I would read HER underlined words instead of HIS. I just pray now that I can start to focus on the One that can deliver us from all evil! Satan is always prowling around us, like a lion waiting to attack. Sometimes, I feel like it's easier just to let him attack. It shouldn't be that way! It should be easier to stop and pray and realize that Satan is a liar and wants us to believe his lies. When we do believe them, he wins! I pray that I will stop believing his horrendous lies and start putting all of my trust in the Lord.


Tate Family said...

You just read my thoughts! I, too, have been trying to rely on God to release me from my strongholds (EATING!!! Yuck!). And wouldn't you's working. I hadn't been fully trusting in Him to help me w/that. I am loving the new Life Journal we are doing @ our church, b/c it teaches you to rely solely on His Word, not anyone else's (like Beth Moore's, but hello, who doesn't love some Beth Moore??) ;) Anyway, I'm rambling. Great post...thanks! TGIF!

The Peacock Flock said...

I'm so glad you I'm not the only one going through times like this! We should get together at school sometime and talk - I'd love to hear more about the study y'all are doing at your church :)

Shelley said...

YES, YES, and YES some more!! I, three, struggle with trusting the Lord in every situation. He loves us so much and in HIM we can truly walk a victorious's OURS! Each time you begin to worry, take that thought captive by rebuking it in Jesus' name! Satan knows what are weaknesses are and that it's an open door for him....however, he's no match for the POWER of JESUS and His Word. (It also helps to pray scripture.)

I love you so much and have enjoyed getting to know you. Your blog is sooooo cute! How'd you do that banner? Maybe you can help me with one. :)


Ashley said...

I found you! I'm so glad you're on here. Oh, and I took action on what we talked about Sunday. I am not going to take it anymore, and hopefully that will help my weight, mood, etc. Just an exciting update--haha! :)