Friday, May 30, 2008

One Great Birthday! (Another long one, but worth it!)

Yesterday, I entered the "Quarter-century Club" (as one of my friends called it). It was such a wonderful birthday! First, Jim woke me up at 5:30 - yes you heard me right, 5:30 (we're still doing things in school time). He cooked breakfast and brought me my present. I got my "big" present last week. I got to go to O, Susanna (a really great store, but I cannot afford it outside of my birthday :)) to get a makeover and get all new makeup. Great present! And, yesterday, he got me a wallet I've been wanting. But, the best part, to me, was the card he got me. Let me give you a run-down of our story. We met at church and were pretty good friends for a long time. We started dating and in three months were engaged. Then, we were engaged for 5 months and got married. All of that in 8 months! I know it's fast, but hey - when ya know, ya know! I'm going to write what the card said, because it is TRULY our story, very neat. Here we go:

(First page)
Once there was this guy.
A nice guy, really.
And he met this girl.
An incredible girl - truly amazing.
So naturally the guy falls
head over heels in love with her,
and pretty soon they're picking out
china patterns and rings
and there's a wedding
and the starry-eyed couple
rides off into what will surely
be a rosy future.

(Second Page)
Okay, so now some time has passed
and the guy is living in that future.
He's still married to this girl,
but now their life includes a lot of stuff-
appliances and bills and loads of laundry
and home repair projects.
But between all the to-dos and have-tos
there are these moments
when the guy stops for a minute
and looks around him.

(Third Page)
He looks at his wife,
who is still truly amazing.
He looks at their life together,
all the ways and different
directions it's grown.
He looks at all
the responsibilities he's got,
and he thinks to himself,
"So, this is my life."
And then he thinks,
I am one lucky guy."
Happy Birthday, I love you.

(Followed by a sweet note).

I sat there and cried because how perfect is that card for us! From the "pretty soon" part to all of the responsibilities we now have (we just bought a house). I love this card. I will keep it forever. It was my favorite thing from yesterday. He's so thoughtful!

I went to eat lunch at Basil's (so good) with my cousin Melanie and then ran several fun errands because it was my birthday and I deserved to spend some money, right?Then, we went to Julep to eat dinner and watched several episodes of our favorite show, Family Guy. I know it's trashy - it's our guilty pleasure. It was a great day. My family comes tonight for another birthday party! I love birthdays!

This is us before we went to eat. Yes, I know it's off-centered. We were using the self-timer and couldn't ever get it right, so we finally just chose this one.

We're going to Disney tomorrow - so I won't post until we get back. But, I'm taking LOTS of pictures and will have lots of fun stories to tell, I'm sure (we will be there during Gay and Lesbian Pride week - not planned, I promise!). Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Hi:) That was such a sweet poem, straight from his heart! I'm looking forward to seeing a Disney update...8)

I really want to get together for lunch sometime or something over the summer. When I came up to the school a few times, there wasn't much time to visit, but I would love to!!8)

my email:

Just let me know...