Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jim's Dream Come True - Tiger Tour 2008

Because Jim is an LSU alum, he is a die-hard fan. One of his student's parents invited us to go to the LSU Tiger Tour 2008 last night here in Jackson. It was a banquet with coaches, the mascot, the National Championship trophy, etc. It was very fun, and not being a big LSU fan myself, it made me appreciate it a little more. Here are a few higlights:

Jim with the National Championship trophy - he wanted to kiss it, but we decided it wouldn't be a very appropriate thing to do since we were at the Jackson Country Club.

Us with Mike, the mascot.

Football coach, Les Miles, giving Jim his autograph.

I have been told that since I am married to a die-hard LSU fan, I must also become one. So, I guess I'll say (not so loudly) Geaux Tigers!

1 comment:

Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

OH NO!!!!!!! not another tiger!!!!!!!!


we will love you anyway.....

and tell jim that the winning pitcher for them in the sec championship game is from SCHLATER and is a friend of mine - louis coleman.....

gotta love us some delta folks!